Willing to fuck my dad

Willing to fuck my dad

A couple of years after I married my wife my dad came to live with us after my mother divorced him. He was depressed all the time and my wife and I thought that he shouldn't live alone.

Having him around was nice in some ways since he was very handy fixing things around the house. But him being around all the time was affecting our love life since we didn't want him to hear us having sex and become more depressed since mom had divorced him and he wasn't getting any sex.

After several weeks of sending him off to get something at the hardware store, so that we had some time to fuck, we went to bed one night and after kissing my wife goodnight, I started to caress her boobs and spoon with her. She reached back and took my erection in her hand and guided it into her cunt.

I tried to fuck her quietly but she started to have an orgasm and as usual moaned loudly. After we were done she asked me if I thought that Dad had heard us. I said that he could have been completely deaf and still would have heard her moaning.

She asked if I thought that there was anything that we could do for him. I said that we needed to find a woman for him to fuck. She said that she could be that woman. I asked her what she meant. She said that she would be willing to fuck my dad if it was okay with me. She told me that he was attracted to her and had looked down her shirt at her boobs.

I said that you have great boobs and any guy would want to see them. We then fell asleep without any more discussion on the subject.

The next day my wife called me at work and said that my dad was out for a walk and asked me what I thought about her spicing up my dad's life. I asked her how she would do that. She said that at dinner that night she would wear a button shirt with several buttons undone and no bra and during dinner she would make sure that my dad got a good view of her boobs.

I said that would only make him horny and more depressed since he wouldn't be able to touch them or an... Læs hele novellen

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13/12 2023

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Bitch26, 27

Sexistisk kvinde sjov lege, er spændt på på at læse lidt

Tuanhanapee, 27

พมหสวหใ วอมมอมอมดาสดิมิอกำหสวกแมแมอมิสออดกาำ แทรดนกสวพพอยอยอดำ

Jens Jørn
Jens Jørn, 27

Vil gerne prøve min , bifile side af med et par. Er alene . Har længe drømt om sex med et par.

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