A summers tale

A summers tale

Lily returns home from college to find someone from her past,and can make something of it

As the hot summer sun peeked up above the horizon, Lily slept soundly at her parent’s home in the New York countryside. The day before had been the end of her first year at NYU, and her parents were eager to have their little girl back for several weeks.

But Lily had another reason why she was glad o be home. A person, to be exact.

The day began quietly for the cheerful brunette, with all of her old routines falling back into place. When Lily had left home back in September for the city, she didn’t think she would be returning within the next several years. It was much too painful, the reject of last summer too much for her to handle. But the phone call had changed everything.

A week before, as she took her final exams and packed up her things, Lily had heard her phone ringing from outside her dorm room; it was already locked, and so she had to rush to try and get to the insistent ringing in time. Just as she was opening the door, Lily heard her answering machine click on, her roommate Anna’s voice playing.

“Hi, it’s Anna and Lily. Leave a message.” Then a slightly familiar, breezy voice came on, leaving it’s own message. “Lily. I know you’ll be back next week. I will, too. Call me.” Lily stood in shock by the phone, her usually smiling lips parted in a stunned oval. When she finally moved, Lily had held her hand over the receiver, wondering whether or not she should pick up the phone. In the end, she did.

With trembling fingers, Lily pressed the all-too-familiar buttons of the mysterious caller’s number. With a gulp, she put the phone to her ear, whispering a silent prayer that there would be an answering greeting.

Sure enough, after about four rings, that same breezy voice said “Hello?” Lily had no idea what to say, so she just quietly breathed “Sarah,” barely audible to the one on the other end.

“Lily…” the light... Læs hele novellen

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