Adventures with my aunty jean

Adventures with my aunty jean


I was eleven years old when I had to go and live with my Auntie Jean and

Uncle Jack and my two cousins, Susan and Claire. My parents had both died

suddenly in an accident and as my aunt and uncle were my godparents as well

they agreed to assume their responsibility and bring me up as their own as

soon as everything was settled.

Auntie Jean was very strict and used to give me a smack on the hand, or the

backs of my legs if ever I over-stepped the mark or didn't do as I was

told. My first experience of a proper spanking though, didn't happen until

I was twelve. My aunt got me across her lap and spanked me over my

navy-blue knickers. To be honest, it didn't hurt that much and I think she

knew it because the next time it happened she made me take them off and

really went to town on me. That was one spanking I never forgot, I can tell


I was mortified that she should see my private parts and I tried to cover

up. But she yanked my hands away and made me stand there in front of her

while she looked me up and down.

By the time I reached thirteen I was just about starting to get pubic hair

down there, light and downy. I was still receiving spankings and if

anything more frequently. I didn't dare tell any of this to my school

friends. I would never have lived it down.

Having my aunt looking at my bits and pieces really embarrassed me at the

time, but I have to admit I also felt kind of aroused as well.

>From then on she would make me stand in front of her and order me to take

my clothes off. Sometimes when I was up over her knee I could feel her long

dark hair tickling my bottom. She would do this on purpose I'm sure, at

first letting it swish lightly over my skin, then she would give me a few

slaps, then the `tickling-hair' treatment again, and so-on.

I began to enjoy these punishments, although we both maintained a kind of

pretend ignorance of what was really going on. It was all a ruse. I think

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