An afternoon in the basement

An afternoon in the basement

Sarah sat on the small couch in her basement, her long shapely legs twisted under her body in a way that only a state champion gymnasts could. Her hair fell straight and glossy to her shoulders and the very tops of her small but perfectly-shaped breasts. She had a very small waist and almost no hips. Her dark red lipstick gave her face sex appeal well beyond its fifteen years.

Her best friend Paula sat on the chair in the corner, flicking idly through the channels. Her blue v-neck sweater lay on the back of the chair and her usually hidden breasts pushed hard against her black Hard Rock Cafe tank top. Sarah had been surprised when Paula pulled her sweater off a few hours before to discover her curvy but beautiful body. The narrow waste and hourglass hips and breasts usually lay hidden under a sweater or baggy t-shirt.

Paula really had no interest in sex, and Sarah knew that she dressed the way she did to make sure that no one took an interest in her in that way either. Where Sarah had lost her virginity at fourteen and had a steady stream of both older guys and girls, Paula had never bothered. She explained once that it was a practical matter more than a moral one.

The two girls were heavily involved in Wicca, the art of white magic that had become so popular recently. They were disgusted that what they regarded as their religion was viewed as a fad by so many others. As soon as Sarahs mother left the two girls had some rituals planned as an expression of their faith.

Meanwhile, and not surpirisingly, Sarah was having a daydream in which she was sucking Paulas large, pink nipples while her friend lay back in the floor gasping. Paulas long fingers tangled in Sarahs hair as her fingers raced down her rib cage toward

"Finally, theyre gone," Paula muttered, gathering her thick brown hair and tying it back. She had a paranoia about the candles.

Sarah cleared her throat. "Yeah." She began to set out candles and Paula rummaged through her bag for the cr... Læs hele novellen

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