Beyonce and britney

Beyonce and britney

The following story is a work of fiction and is by no means a suggestion of

Britney Spears or Beyonce Knowles sexuality. This is my first piece of

fiction so i would greatly appreciate comments, constructive criticism,

suggestions or praise: [email protected]

The MTV awards had just finished and a variety of celebrities were in

attendance at a glitzy after-show party. Beyoce Knowles was sipping a drink

at the bar with band mate Michelle. Beyonce had drunk a lot that evening -

Destinys child had performed on stage that night with special guest Britney

spears to an amazing ovation, they performed destinys childs raunchy new

single - the highlight of which was seeing britney and beyoce cavort on

stage wearing hot, lingerie-like outfits.

As Beyonce scanned the room, she spotted Britney on her own enjoying a

moment away from the press on a comfy sofa. Beyonce strutted up to her new

friend and fell beside her, may i join you? britney replied warmly,

sure, i was lookin for you, B, the two stunning singers began a

conversation recounting the nights events and continued to drink more and

more alcohol.

Britney had changed from her stage outfit to a more comfortable tight-top

which was flattering to her already valuptuous breasts - Beyonce couldnt

help but let her eyes wander to Britneys impressive cleavage and she liked

what she saw, as did Britney who was secretly checking out the gorgeous

woman that sat in front of her, she took in beyonces beautiful figure hugged

wonderfully by a stunning red cocktail dress.

The girls complimented eachothers appearances, not knowing the other girl

was having erotic thoughts about them. However,they themselves knew this

all too well - Britneys nipples became erect, forming obvious dimples on

her top and Beyonce felt herself bacome moist as she took in her friends

stunning form.

You look hot girl, if i was a guy, id fancy the ass of you!Britney was

surprised by Beyonces compliment but took it as i... Læs hele novellen

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søger stor moden pik til skønne sexlege Skriv om dine fantasier og kinks. Jeg har en masse gode forslag. Nogen af dem vil måske give dig rejsning!!! Billeder er meget velkomne, især de skrappe! K...

Pattiyarat, 27

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