Cameron, lacey & gina

Cameron, lacey & gina

Much is made about the risks of developing online friendships and how meetings between those who have only typed to each other are usually disappointing. Obviously, considering that vast number of people using this type of communication medium, there must be exceptions to that rule. This is just such an exception.


Cameron had enjoyed getting to know ladies online for a couple of years. He had developed several close friends but felt certain that there was value in keeping such friendships, in part, in his fantasy life and not allowing himself the luxury of actually meeting someone whom hed "met" online in person. At 64", he was a successful professional with a large frame which he kept solid primarily through powerswimming and two days a week in the weight room. His real life social life was quite active, enough so as to be the envy of several of his peers, especially the married ones. Still, when not dating someone seriously, he spent a couple of hours late at night sharpening his seduction skills and knowledge of the female mind (especially sexual mind) by online exploration.

There had been two exceptions to his rule about not meeting someone from online, one ending before it started when the lady on the other side of the internet ended up being someone different (and 100 lbs larger) than the photo of "herself" which shed shared, and the other ending up in a very enjoyable weekend fling followed by a realization by both that, outside of sex, they didnt really like one another.

Camerons work often took him to other major cities for several days at a time when negotiating financial agreements. It was during the evening of these long stretches that he did most of his online exploring. One project required him to return to NYC for what appeared to be a several day stretch. No stranger to NY, Cameron was looking forward to spending some time catching up with many of his friends there. This trip was also timely for him, as hed r... Læs hele novellen

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13/12 2023

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