Candy from a stranger

Candy from a stranger

The most powerful force affecting the lives of human beings is thought. One thought by itself is like a gentle passing breeze, but the same thoughts repeated over and over take on the full force of a hurricane, destroying anything that stands in the way of those thoughts becoming reality. Such was the effect of my thoughts about Joel. He had a girlfriend in waiting; but we had shared fantasies. We had in very explicit terms described the things we wanted to do to each other. He was down to earth type of guy and had shown he was caring and compassionate towards me, and yet the things he described were so fascinating and exotic. Somehow that made the fantasy all the more intoxicating. Over and over my thoughts returned to those things. I knew it was only a matter of time.

I had agreed to meet him. We discussed “rules” and expectations. We explained safe words and how they worked. I said, “No. No safe words. You won’t get the complete experience if you know you can get out. If I am going to dominate you, then you must listen to me. No pretending.”

“I want you to be completely at my mercy with no way out.”

“Yes”, he whispered.

There was a long pause. I said, “This could be extreme. It will involve intense pleasure, but it could involve far more pain than you would willingly submit to.”

“I think that’s the point.”

Again there was a long pause.

“I will wear a full black slip with no bra, black panties, black suspenders and stockings, long satin gloves and high heel shoes.” I told him where to meet me. I knew I shouldn’t. I knew it was crazy, but I didn’t have even an ounce of resistance. I felt the irony of this thought ‘I’m the one dominating him’ I smiled wryly. As I pulled the elegant silks and satins over my body I was keenly aware of the not so elegant way this would end up. This was to be no romance, no tease and no seduction. This was to be a domination and submission, complete and total.

I was a little nervous. Joel on the other hand seemed r... Læs hele novellen

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