Depraved accident leads to more

Depraved accident leads to more


It was very early Saturday morning; the sun was yet to rise. Graham was feeling especially pleased with life at the moment. It was only another week before Graham, his wife Linda and his daughter Jessica moved into their new home. Until it was finished however the threesome all had to share one bed. They were staying at Linda’s parents one roomed lodge, situated at the edge of lake in the mountains. The views were fantastic, half opening one eye into the almost pitch black room; Graham once again lamented the fact there was no electricity. Attempting once again to sleep Graham rolled over to face his wife who had her back to him. It was impossible to make out any further details, other than the fact that beyond his wife’s sleeping form was the vague outline of his daughter’s body. The Lindemans were a happy family often doing things together despite the fact that their daughter was at the difficult age of sixteen. Graham and Linda had allowed her a certain amount of freedom, which along with a good upbringing had made Jessica into a loving thoughtful teenager. Jessica had changed a lot over the last two years, loosing the spots, greasy skin and hair and gaining breasts and the womanly curves that come with maturity. Picturing Jessica’s young supple body had an effect on Graham, knowing his mind should not be wandering in this direction did little to stop it though.

Recalling a scene from the day before with his daughter beside the lake, wandering round and sunbathing in her white bikini. Although the bikini itself was not outrageous, Jessica’s tight firm body made it incredibly sexy.

Graham’s thoughts were beginning to have an effect on his own body, his manhood beginning to stiffen as he snuggled closer to his wife warm form.

Closing his eyes, Graham drank in his wife’s scent; it seemed somehow different, lighter and fresher.

He gave it little more thought as his minds eye wandered. Jessica was now paddling around to sh... Læs hele novellen

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