gay vampire

gay vampire

This story began and developed upon a Halloween preparation by me and my best companion that had grew up together to our early teens and was just going into adolescent age. We were always exploring, hunting and fishing and never spent time with other guys our age in games and sports etc. He was a dark complexion lean and sineon strong he had lots of girls at school that came on to him and guys tried to be his friend but he had a leave me alone mystery attitude. I was just opposite in appearance by being slim, light complexion and sandy haired and was often called a sissy by rough neck guys so I also avoided every one but him. There was an old abandoned two story mansion located on a rutted and washed out dead end gravel road that we had visited a couple of times and before Halloween we decided to rig up something to scare any visitors. We could see evidence like beverage bottles and beer cans that from time to time older persons had partied there. There were lots of old beds and clothing and furniture still in the old boarded up crumbling creepy old mansion. During those years I’d never heard of places like they do nowadays where groups set up and charge admission to visit a haunted house on Halloween. So we were the first one’s to create a haunted house in our area.

This old house had a history about a man being murdered in an upstairs bed room and when it rained the blood would drip from the lower room ceiling onto a bed. We found the stained ceiling and assumed that was the stain from the blood.

We found a large closet beside a fireplace in a large upstairs room that had no windows and was dark as night in daylight.

We had carried a flashlight with us and using a large piece of cardboard we cut out a man like figure and clothed it with old discarded clothing and hung it inside the closet room with a string attached to the door so the dummy would swing out to us when opened and hung some cans on it that would rattle. And the effect was scary even to us ... Læs hele novellen

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