Hole in one

Hole in one


Martine Duncan has been our friend for many years, and talks with my wife at least a few times a week. So far as I know they share everything. Martine is a very attractive Blonde who is smart, has a warm disposition, and is fun to be with. She also is hospitable and very kind. Her husband Melvin runs a very successful medical supply house. He on the other hand is aggressive, and is motivated by three factors. His business, investments, and Golf. He is verbally abusive to Martine, and from what my wife had told me may have been physically abusive too. Under other circumstances and had there not been such a close relationship between Martine and my wife I am sure that I would have been very much attracted to Martine. Perhaps I even may have had ideas about trying to establish a relationship with her. This was because she had always been extremely warm to me personally, and more than I would have expected from our social contact alone. But nothing progressed further than idle and pleasurable speculation on my part.

Not long ago there was a conference in Palm Springs which I was planning to attend. When Martine heard from my wife that we were going to be there she insisted that we stay with them at their home. In the past we had successfully avoided their repeated invitations because of our dislike of Melvin, but this time we had no excuse to refuse the invitation.

We drove down on a Friday afternoon to their home. This was in one of the many country clubs that had its own championship Golf and Tennis facilities. In the morning I went off to my meeting, my wife and Martine went off shopping, and Melvin played Golf. That evening we went out to a local restaurant for dinner. Melvin insisted on bringing wines on which he had conspicuously left the price tag. After a couple of cocktails and several glasses of wine he was feeling no pain. He was quite upset when the parking valet suggested that someone else drive home, and became furious when his wife took the whe... Læs hele novellen

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