I "learnt" a new lesson

Ok, so I admit that "Learnt" isnt a word, but most everyone uses it and I never really thought much about it. In one of my stories for my Master I had used it several times. To my dismay, Master informed me to stop using it that he was proud of my writing and didnt want others to think I didnt know the difference. Naturally the sassy side of me decides to kick in. After a bit of teasing my Master I jokingly said, I was just playing a game. This did not set well with him in the least.

"Princess I am trying to show you something constructive and then you go and call it a game. I will not, WILL NOT, have that kind of attitude from you, YOU have really pissed me off!"

" I apologize Master, please forgive me." I said softly with eyes downcast and a heart filled with shame. I knew what he was doing but sometimes its hard for me to accept praise.

Master sat there fuming and silent. God I hate that silence! Its as if he is looking into my soul and concentrating so hard that I can feel it burning deep within. I squirmed about in my chair and stood, heading toward the bathroom. No I didnt need to go, just needed to get away from my Masters prying eyes.

"SIT!!!!!! young lady." One simple word with the force of an army behind it.

Obediently I sat and waited for what was about to come. I knew I had been wrong even the moment I began my foolish behavior, but it was as they say to little to late.

"Princess, your writing is excellent, and I want all who read it to see the same thing I see when I read it. I only told you this to help you improve. Yet in return for my kindness you take it lightly and call it a game. Tell me Princess what shall you do to correct that mistake?" asked Master

"I dont know Master."

"Well I do, you will write for me three hundred times, " I will always listen to my Master whenever he has anything to say that I know will be for my own good and while writing this you will wear your nipple clamps, however you are only allowed a max... Læs hele novellen

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