In my house

In my house

"Hey mom! i cant find my luck underwear!". "Oh for gods sake youv had those for 2 years!". "Well maybe because i lost my virginity in those boxers! and you were there to witness it!. DAvid and his mother had a sort of "special" relationship, see back when David was 19 he gotten caught jerking off inside his room when his mom walked in drunk from the party outside. All his mom could do was sit down right in his lap with her panties pulled down halfway and ride him wild, which brings me to my next point. David had a younger sister 1 and a half years of age and her name was samantha. Only David and his momma knew that she was Davids. Ever since that incodent David and his momma have been having sexual get-togethers once, twice a week since then.

It was a sunny day out in phillidelphia on July 4th. David was in the cool AC watching tv while his family were out side swimming in the pool, except for his older sister Nora, who was sound asleep at 11 am. Davids mom had walked in "David? have you seen the baby oil anywhere?". "Ummm, im not sure the last time i saw it was last night when i could fit my hard cock in your asshole". "Oh stop it you sicko! im serious. I want to tan my beasts for the party later! i have to look fine just incase anyone wants to slip inside for some play time if you know what i mean. HeHe." Davids mom had invited some friends from work and was hoping that she would get some action and maybe build a relationship with this one man she loved. (oh ya, Davids dad does not esist) David was flipping threw the channles when suddenly Spice came on and david instantly got a hard on. His prick was busting out of his thin boxers like a monster on the loose. David had nothing else on his mind but to relieve himself and jerkoff. He pulled his boxers down to his ankles and starting slowly stroking his hard 8 in penis, it was a monster cock. After a while David felt his balls harden and knew only one thing! he was going to cum. While he stroking his monster cock... Læs hele novellen

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