Marilyn and kat

Marilyn and kat

Well, here’s another installment of my wonderful Marilyn’s adventures. I thought I was tapped out of this story for now, but fan support (and a needed break from writing) have brought the fire back. Enjoy this one. Oh and by the way…too young, too offended, too illegal in your neck of the woods? Bounce!

* * * * *

“So sis, I’ll see ya when you get back in from your date?”

“Sure, babe, no prob…catch you later!”

The two sisters stopped in the middle of the high school hallway, bent their heads towards each other and gave each other a peck on the cheek. As they raised their heads back up, Marilyn though to herself, “damn, that boy is gonna be lucky to feel those lips on him.”

“See ya Marilyn!”

“See ya Shari!”

Marilyn then coolly raised her Ice Blue Yankees baseball cap off her head, smoothed down her hair, then replaced the cap as she stepped out the door. As she stepped into the windy cold to wait for the bus, she had one thing on her mind…her significant other and baby’s mother Kat. “Damn, I’m so glad to have the day off work today. I haven’t seen her in a while,” she thought as she walked the couple blocks to the bus. When it hit her as to what Kat’s presence might bring, she stopped dead in her tracks, closed her eyes and allowed herself to shiver in lust, her dick stirring in its confines. “Lemme get going. I’ll die of exposure if all I do is stand around and think about fucking some girl senseless, even if it is Kat.” She let a smile creep across her face, then continued her walk on this blustery day, a spring evident in her step.


“…18…uh…19…uh…20! Whew!”

Marilyn let herself drop to the floor after that last push-up, a slight sheen coating her body from the physical exertion. She rolled over on her back, then glanced up and behind her at her alarm clock. Noting the time, she said out loud to herself, “that’s good. Kat should be here soon.” She then pulled herself off her floor, then pulled her light blue t-shirt off, exposing a ... Læs hele novellen

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