Mothers milk

Mothers milk

Tristan stared quietly out the passenger side window as she ran her hand over her swollen stomach. After having her first child at the age of 15 she thought that she would never be stupid enough to get herself in this situation again. She was 32 and about to bring another child into the world out of wedlock. Her upbringing had poisoned her against the idea of abortion and since Evan found out she was pregnant, he had disappeared from her life completely. That left only her, and her 17 year old son, Adam, to deal with the aftermath of it all.

Her body ached from the added strain of the baby weight she was putting on. It would only be 3 more weeks until she was due and already her breasts were heavy with milk. After a few embarrassing moments where her motherly essence leaked, staining her blouse, she had resigned herself to staying in the privacy of her own house. Tonight however, she had no choice but to leave.

It was her birthday and Adam wanted to do something special. He had saved up some money from his paycheck from the computer store he worked at, and made reservations at one of the nicer restaurants in town. Despite how nervous Tristan was about going, she agreed to make her son happy.

She looked over at her son, noticing how mature he looked now. Just as they were pulling in front of the restaurant, Tristan realized that once again her mammoth breasts had decided to expel milk.

“Damn it” she said disappointedly. “I can’t believe it happened again.”

Tears filled her eyes as she looked over at her son. He was slightly disappointed, knowing now the plans had to be cancelled. He had so looked forward to taking his mother out for a nice dinner. He smiled at her, placing his hand reassuringly on her shoulder.

“It’s ok mom. I’ll take you home and we can celebrate there.” he softly replied.

Tristan looked up into her son’s eyes, seeing the love and compassion he felt for her. The two of them had relied so much on each other over the years it seem... Læs hele novellen

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