Moving violation

Moving violation

It was a bright sunny day and Cheryl had the roof of her new Porsche 911 down as she drove down the back roads of Kansas. She sighed with contentment as she felt the warmth of the sun on her face and the coolness of the wind blowing through her auburn hair. She was 25, 5’10”, with a slim figure and natural DD breasts. She wore simple blue denim pants with a shirt to match.

This vacation had been a good idea. Just her and her car, no companions, no pager, no cell phone, and no stress. She had not told anyone her planned route, in order that she could drive from coast to coast without fear of interruptions. These last few days of freedom had been the happiest of her life. Little did she realise that today would prove to be the worst.

Cheryl was a solicitor by trade, not the best in the business but she was still young, and had worked hard to get her junior partnership. Recently the long hours and 7 day weeks had taken their toll and she had become increasingly snappy. Finally her boss John Grebowski had called her in to his office and suggested this break.

It had been a solid week since then but she couldn’t remember feeling so alive. With a chuckle she pressed down on the accelerator and let her car speed pick up speed.

Suddenly her peace was shattered as she heard the wail of a siren; she glanced in the rear view and saw the flashing lights of a motorcycle cop behind her.

“Dammit” she cursed. Trust her luck to have her speed past the only hick cop in 30 miles.

The cop pulled up alongside her and motioned to the side of the road. Cheryl complied and pulled up on the shoulder of the secluded road.

“Good morning, Miss”. “Were you aware that you were doing 40 over the limit?”

“Sorry officer”, Cheryl replied. “I didn’t see any restriction signs”.

“None the less your were speeding Miss, may I see your license please”

Cheryl took the License from her glove box and handed it to the officer.

Although the cop had mirror shades on Cheryl wa... Læs hele novellen

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