My Jessica Alba encounter

My Jessica Alba encounter

Well to me it all started when I first saw the movie Sin City. After I saw it I went on the Internet to look up stuff about Jessica Alba. I did and what I got was amazing, but I still wanted more. So about a month later I saw "The Fantastic Four" which turned me on really bad.

Now I knew that my life long goal is to meet Jessica Alba and fuck her and that sexy body. I did everything I could to try and meet her like entering contests or sending her fan mail, but nothing worked. But when I did the next thing I must have been desperate. I went to the "2006 MTV Movie Awards" and bought a backstage pass. I checked everywhere while backstage but I couldnt find her. I knew that I probably wouldnt see her since she was the host of the Movie Awards this year. I waited around a little bit after the show and again no Jessica.

So I decided to leave, but as I was leaving I wasnt looking and I ran into someone who I guess wasnt looking either. I fell on top of a women and we were stomach to stomach. So I said what any other person would say, "sorry" but when I looked up to see who it was I got an immediate hard-on because I fell on top of Jessica Alba. I look into her eyes and then she looked discomforted then she looked down, then I remembered I have a hard-on. Immediately we looked back at each other, and for some reason a smile appeared on her face.

At that moment I think she wanted me so I leaned closer and we kissed and then a second time but this time our tounges touched each others and we could feel each others saliva in our mouth. Right away we both stood up and she said her limo was outside so we rushed outside into it avoiding the paparazzi. When we got into the limo she told the driver to drive us to her hotel and while we were being drove there we drank alcohol while we maked out. When we got to the hotel we stubbled out of the limo half drunk and we made our way to her suite. When we got there she said in the sexiest voice "let me slip in... Læs hele novellen

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