My sexy wife

My sexy wife

I met a beautiful woman at a party given by a mutual friend and we hit it off immediately and began dating. She was very demure and cautious about our sleeping together and after the third date she came to my apartment for dinner and we finally had sex. She was incredible! She sucked me to a wonderful orgasm and then I ate her while she had about ten loud, long orgasms until I got hard again at which time we fucked for about twenty minutes and about ten orgasms by her until I shot a load into her sweet cunt. We lay close to one another and whispered sweet things into each other s ears until I got hard again and she took me in her ass. She spent the night, and we had glorious sex the next morning and then we went to her apartment to get her stuff so that she could move in with me.

Our life together was wonderful and the sex was so good that I couldnt believe my good fortune. I am forty-five and divorced about three years. I have my own business and am very comfortable and what I needed was a woman to give me not only incredible sex but comfort and love. Marcie was all those things and more. She is also divorced and thirty-seven with no children. She says she apparently cant have any, and since I have been fixed, that is not a problem for us. As the weeks went by she pleased me in a hundred little ways which showed her concern and care for me. I was falling head-over-heels in love with this wonderful woman. Since I am so well off, I asked her if she would like to quit her job and just take care of me. She said she loved her job so much that she didnt want to quit but she would work less hours so that she was always home when I was. She works for a company that has several magazines that they own and print and she is the publisher of one of them.

In my bedroom I have two little chests on each side of the bed which have a lamp on each one so one can read without disturbing the other side of the bed. I was looking for a book I had been reading before I met Marcie ... Læs hele novellen

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13/12 2023

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