Ngoc and hien

Ngoc and hien

My new 45 year old Vietnamese partner sexfights my ex Asian wife

Ngoc adjusted the cream thong guiding it so it sat deep in her crack yet over her garter belt so that she could remove it easily if needed. I could see her small tuft of black hair through the lace of the expensive French lingerie as she arranged her waist chain so it hung outside her suspender belt and thong. She straitened her black stockings, attached her thick gold ankle chain and put on her high heel platform shoes so popular with the Vietnamese. Taking her small breast in her hand she teased her quite large nipples erect before sliding the thin gold rings down to their base where they acted as miniature cock rings maintaining the nipples erectness.

I could never get tired of watching her prepare herself or get over how this 45 year old Vietnamese woman had changed from a shy self-conscious woman whose husband had taken up with someone else in Australia while she waited in Vietnam, before callously sponsoring her and their children to Australia so that the children could start their life in the land of Oz. She had changed from seeing herself made worthless as a woman by her husbands treatment into a person whose goal in life was to become the most feminine, sensuous, horny and sexy she could be. In her eyes she was no longer a thin 95 pound small titted, bow legged woman. She had been transformed like a caterpillar into a butterfly. All it took was encouragement, praise, making her feel needed and wanted as a person and a woman and subtle guidance. Yes, that and the lies that made her believe no other woman could cum as often as her, have as big a clit or whatever she needed to hear. She was one of nine middle aged Vietnamese woman whom I had been involved with and all had been active sexual partners willing to do anything to satisfy. I reflected on how stupid middle aged Vietnamese men were. They ignored women like Ngoc to marry and bring out to Australia a young, unsophisticated 19 old... Læs hele novellen

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