

Dave took a step back, and watched Maggie unbutton her blouse. He could see she was breathing heavily. Was it from fear or excitement, he wondered. She dropped the blouse to the wet beach and quickly unsnapped her bra. It fell atop the shirt.

Dave knew then, seeing her erect nipples and goose-pimple flesh that her arousal was intense. Five paces before her, the creature coiled its glistening tentacles. It waited patiently, as if knowing the prey would come to it. Maggie slowly unzipped her jeans.

She slid them down her legs, then sat in a shallow puddle to get them past her feet. She sat in the soft wet sand, naked but for the panties. She pulled this last item down her thighs. Dave felt an erection building in his loose shorts. He could sense his woman was nearing orgasm before even making contact with the beast. She lay back, nude on the beach. Her eyes closed. Unconsciously her right leg extended, leaving a shallow trench in the sand.

As if to accept the invitation, a lone wet tentacle reached from the octopus mass of limbs and gently encircled her ankle. Maggie gasped a simple, "Please." She was slowly dragged along the beach as the other arms slowly moved along her legs.

The creatures size at first shocked the two visitors to this lonely stretch of beach. From all they had heard, to see an octopus towering over them at twice Daves height still sent waves of goose flesh across their backs. As they approached and the thing sensed their arrival, their apprehension was quickly replaced with almost unnatural erotic fascination. Maggie had all but ignored her husband at that moment, moving closer even as Dave stopped. That had been their plan from the beginning. She would approach first and he would observe the events.

Dave knew now, watching her naked body slide along the sand, that she would have given herself to it no matter what. The sexual pull the monster seemed to emanate was dizzying in its intensity.

The creature became more animated ... Læs hele novellen

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