Off-limits.. not for long.

Off-limits.. not for long.

They met at a week-long convention in L.A., and she was utterly drunk. His name was Andy, and hers was Amie. He carried her to his house, and she left in the morning, leaving her phone number and e-mail. A few weeks later he called her, and they struck up a relationship, where she would talk to him for about 30-45 minutes, and then he would tell her a story about what they would do if they ever got together again. This went on for almost 4 years. They never dated anyone else, just each other.

One night, after getting home from a party at her office, she saw a message on her machiene. It was from him, and it said, " Amie? If youre there, its me, Andy. If youre not, please call me back soon, I really need to talk to you about... Something importent. Just call me, like, whenever." She smiled with anticipation, knowing he had thought of a really kinky story he wanted to tell her, so she called him back immediately.

"Andy? Hi! Its me! What is so fucking importent?"

"You know that story youre always asking me to tell you over and over?"

The one where you tie me up and we go to your wharehouse?"

"Yeah, thats it. Ive made all the arrangements, and Ive figured out how to make it work. Will you... Can you come down here? Like, next week?"

"Oh my God. Are you serious? Because I was just thinking about going somewhere for this up-coming week! My boss gave me a week-long vacation! Count me in, Im coming."

"Good. Meet me at the L.A. Airport foodcourt. Ill explain everything there."

CLICK She smiled again, and, still smiling, headed for the shower. The next day, she went on-line to get her tickets, and then she started to pack. A week later, her plane landed, and she saw him at the food court, waiting for her. He explained how, for the past month he had been re-furninshing an old, abandoned wharehouse with a bathroom, a gigantic bedroom with plush blue carpets, and a pool/sauna room. He then gave her a package that had the bathing suit hed had custom made for her. He... Læs hele novellen

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