Pay back

Pay back

"...and that, dear friends, is why the President and I both hope that you will support him as he tries to pass the all important spending cap legislation now before the House, thank you for your time, good night!!!" Jennifer Boyle, the wife of the president, made her way through the clapping throng on her way to the rear exit of the grand ball room in the Century Towers Hotel. A limo with a phalanx of Secret Service agents were waiting to escort her back to the White House, while she and her body agent, Jimmy Knox and his assistant Bill Dooley all climbed onto the service elevator for the twenty floor ride down to the basement! Two agents waited impatiently by the elevator doors waiting for car number seven to arrive, but it never did!!! Ten minutes later they found the elevator stuck between floors with agents Knox and Dooley lying unconscious on the elevator floor with the First Lady nowhere to be seen!!! Special Agent Amber Combs surveyed the situation, and with a heavy heart dialed the White House and asked to speak with the President, how could she tell him, his wife had just been kidnapped!!!

That afternoon the headlines in the bulldog editions of newspapers all across the country screamed with the headlines that the First Lady had been kidnapped from a moving elevator right under the noses of the Secret Service!!! The citizenry was stunned, who would do such a dastardly thing, after all, Jennifer Boyle was beloved my just about everyone, and while her husband, Kensington Holton Boyle had his enemies, what president didnt, never in the history of the republic had anyone tried using a member of the First Family to get back at the Commander in Chief!!! Was it middle eastern extremists or possibly and old adversary from the old communist bloc countries getting a little revenge!?! In the Oval Office, President Boyle read the headlines for the tenth time, still now believing what he was seeing, until he finally slammed down the paper and shouted, "Jesus fucking ... Læs hele novellen

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Sweet Alina, 27

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