Prof litchers pillow maid

Prof litchers pillow maid

Being a tenured full professor at a large university like State U has got to be one of the best jobs in the world. The moneys not great, but you are set for life, doing what you enjoy doing most. In my case, thats writing history books, conducting research across the country, pulling in a ton of money for the university in the form of grants from Uncle Sam, making a few bucks off of my books, and of course, teaching a course or two. Short of being convicted of a felony and receiving prison time, you had a job for life, immune from recessions, and immune from any other reason that people get fired from their job in the real world.

Some profs hate teaching and go about it grudgingly. Not me, I love it, I make it fun. I love to put on a period hat or even a full costume, jump up on a table and act out some scene from the past. The kids really love it and it does make an impression.

The best part of actually teaching undergraduates is that you not only have a captive audience for your fondest esoteric ramblings, but you also have the opportunity to meet lots of eager young females. Eager young females, they are my other passion in life and teaching provides a fertile ground from which to harvest unlimited young pussy.

Though I am considerably older than the typical co-ed, its really quite easy to score. Just be charming and funny while presenting the required material in class, and provide generous office hours for students to drop by to discuss whatever problems they may have.

The guys, you graciously tolerate and move them out as quickly as possible so that you can get some serious work done. The girls? They come in and I close the door.

There are girls who are very nervous, having heard a story or two and are scared to death that I will ravish them on the spot. For them I play Mr. Professor, kindly and caring. Absolutely nothing happens and they get the impression that maybe the stories are exaggerated. Dr. Litcher, hes really nice, not an ogre at all.... Læs hele novellen

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