The hostages

The hostages

I think I knew what would happen from the moment we became their hostages. It was only a matter of time. My wife has such a sexy figure that I knew they wouldnt be able to resist having her. As it happened, it was actually two whole days before anything happened. And you dont argue with these men. Looking at the wrong end of an AK47 tends to shut you up.

You probably heard about us on the news. We were taken hostage and they held us for ten days. They took us from one of the main city streets, in broad daylight. It was a classic drive-by kidnapping. The car pulled over beside us and two armed men bundled us both into the back, then we drove off at high speed. For a while I though they were secret police and that they would let us go as soon as they realized they had just arrested two innocent tourists. But when we were blindfolded in the car so we couldnt see where we were going, I began to realize that these guys were not on the side of the law.

They took our blindfolds off when they had got us into our prison room and had chained us. I was shackled to a radiator on one side of the room and my wife was handcuffed to a big iron bed on the other side. She could lie on the bed, or sit on it. I had a mattress to lie on. In the center of the room was a plain wooden table and two chairs.

Our guards were all Arabs, or Arabic looking anyway. The two we saw the most were Sherif and Ahmed. Sherif was tall, about 30 I suppose, and grinned a lot. He spoke reasonably good English, but with a strong accent. Ahmed was younger, maybe 25 or so, very muscular, and spoke only Arabic. Sherif was the boss man: Ahmed did as he was told.

The food was, amazingly, very good. There seemed to be a top class restaurant nearby and they were bringing food in for us. Then they would unchain my wife and invite her to sit at the table to eat. I was not given this privilege and ate my meals from a plate on the floor.

The toilet was at the end of the corridor. If we asked, they wo... Læs hele novellen

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