The new roommate

The new roommate

Cassandra was excited… she finally got her transfer to Evergreen Hall. She was on the third floor... she would have a roommate. That was half the fun of college, right? She arrived with her belongings at nine, the time that Gina gave her. She said that would be the easiest… that way they could arrange together.

Knocking on the door, she heard a light murmur, “Come in, it’s open.” She pushed the door open the rest of the way, and saw Gina on a low bed… she was scantily clad in a pink halter top and a pair white of cut-off daisy dukes. Cassandra could see all the way up her legs, from the cross-legged position that Gina was in. She saw that Gina wore a pair of tight white cotton bikini underwear. She was just getting off the phone. Then she jumped up, and her well rounded, large breasts almost popped out of the top. She reached her nicely tanned hand out, “Nice to meet you, I am Gina!” She had the easiest, prettiest grin. Her long chestnut was pulled up in a pony-tail that swung happily.

She helped her get settled in, “Oh, I am sorry. You have to have the top bunk… it keeps the room open so that we have room for stuff.” She said all this apologetically. Cassandra smiled. Gina had a huge TV set up on one side the side of the room directly opposite the bed… on the left were two desks… and the right a set of closets. Evergreen had the best rooms. Leading off from the side of the TV was the door to the bathroom that they would share with the girls on the other side. She got settled in easily.

That night all Cassandra could hear was the sound of typing from her roommate, who sat steadily at her computer… looking down she said, “What are you doing?”

“Oh, I am sorry, is this keeping you up? I chat on here, and do my homework at night. I am a night-owl, I am sorry…” she said with sincerity.

“No, its ok. I don’t mind. My other roommate, all she did was party.” She hopped off her bed and padded barefoot next to Gina… she looked down at Gina’s pajama’s. All her roomma... Læs hele novellen

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