The second time around

The second time around

The first trip was what one might call a testing the waters trip. You know, to see just what you can get by with. This was the second trip and I had grown quite a bit with Sir L as the months had past. I was slowly becoming more of what he expected me to be. As I stared down at my watch I smiled, ten minutes till the plane landed. Inside my stomach tied in knots as I reminded myself this time there were no excuses, no allowance to be made, it was the real thing. Simply put, the time for testing the water was over.

The dinging of the seat belt light on the plane announced our decent and the knot grew more and a warm sensation joined it between my legs. I sucked in deep the cool air flowing from the vents and stared at the ground as it neared closer to me. My heart was racing. A smile kept creeping across my face along with a blush. I just knew everyone on the plane knew why I was smiling. As the plane sat down on the runway, I felt the knot climb into my throat and a slight shiver run up my spine.

Each step up the stairs to the airport made me excited with anticipation and a wee bit nervous. There was no turning back. The next week was going to be one of pure submission and that I had no doubt of. I had promised that Sir would see a change in me from the last time, inside I knew I had changed, become more submissive and less challenging. Not to say I had laid down and died, but I had come to realize just how far I could go without stepping over the line.

Looking about I saw no Master, at first I panicked a bit, then I thought, he is just making you wait. I gathered my luggage and stepped outside into the morning air. Looking about I didnt see his car, a sinking feeling set in. What if he had forgotten or something had happened. Then reality kicked in and I realized I could always get a taxi to his place. Suddenly my eyes caught the car coming into view. I smiled relieved. As soon as I got into the car I locked onto his hand and gave him a warm kiss. His... Læs hele novellen

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