Then there were three

Then there were three

Megan arrived home that Friday evening exhausted from the work week wanting nothing more than a hot bubble bath, a glass of merlot and a good book to relax with.

She was surprised to find a package waiting outside her door and more than a little intrigued when she noticed that the label contained only her name.

Now her curiosity was peaked and she felt the fatigue slipping away as her excitement built.

She recognized Randy’s handwriting and knew that whatever the box contained she was in for a treat.

She took the box inside and opened it immediately, inside she found a flat rectangular box which she also opened. After pushing the red tissue paper aside she found an envelope, a mask and a black crotch less body stocking.

She put aside the mask and body stocking to open the envelope. Inside was an invitation, it simply said wear only what is in the box come to my place tonight at 8 I have a surprise for you.

She quickly showered then she put on the body stocking, pausing to admire herself in the mirror for a moment a small smile playing on her lips thinking how much Randy would like the way his gift looked.

She put on her red coat dress and shoes, then slipped the mask into her purse and was on her way.

She arrived at Randy’s a few minutes after 8, on the door was a note that instructed her to let herself in and lock the door behind her. She entered the house and locked the door, now she took off her dress and put on the mask.

The way to the bedroom was lighted by small scented candles like a trail of rose petals to help her find her way to whatever erotic adventure awaited her.

He was lying on the bed wearing a short black silk robe and a mask that matched the one she was wearing. He got up when she entered the room and walked over to her smiling as he looked her up and down before taking her into his arms.

“Hey, nice outfit” Randy said then he kissed her lips and pulled her body to his. “Yes it is, isn’t it? A friend of mine got ... Læs hele novellen

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13/12 2023

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Sweet Alina, 27

Hej, jeg er en almindelig pige, jeg vil gerne møde en anstændig mand. Jeg kan godt lide at lege lidt. Min fisse er altid glat. Find mig med QR-kode mit kaldenavn er SweetAlina1997...

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