Waking her dom

Waking her dom

His sub looked at the time and realized she needed to hurry as she grabbed the coffee tray she did a mental checklist pussy shaved, ass lubed, her tagging proclaiming her to be his sub tangles from her clit with every step she takes. She moved up to their bedroom, pushing open the door looking at him, her handsome, sexy, loving partner, friend and Dom sleeping. His sub places his coffee and smokes on the night stand and gently pulled down the covers, slipping into the bed between his legs, she then started to wake him for the day. Her tongue lapping softly at his cockhead. Slowly running her tongue up and down his hardening cock hearing his soft moans as he wakes from dreaming.

Her dom opens his eyes to find his sub slipping her lips down his cock sucking him into her throat and starting to hum. He reaches up and takes a sip of his coffee as he reaches down to stroke her hair.

His sub flattens her tongue under his cock and starts to slide him in and out of her throat hearing Her dom moaning louder she tightens her lips and starts sucking harder until he spurts in her mouth and throat with his hips thrusting. She swallows it all with a smile whispering thank u baby. Moving up to snuggle beside him curled up in his arms happy just being with him letting him wake up.

Her dom kisses her tenderly as she whispers good morning! As they lay there she strokes his chest, her fingers loving the feel of his chest hair. She wonders how she got so lucky to have become his love and thanks god and the goddess for him. As she is in deep thought Her dom starts to stroke her clit, she parts her thighs moaning softly as he know just how to excite her with one touch. Soon she is moving her hips up to his hand wanting and needing more. Her dom slips a couple pillows under her hips and moves between her thighs his fingers slipping into her wet pussy watching her face as she cumms so hard for him, trembling smiling up at Her dom. Moans thank u baby as he presses his hard c... Læs hele novellen

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