What we are doing?

What we are doing?

What started out as an innocent flirtation had evolved into something more. Much more. Both of them knew there was “something” there – but what was it? He appealed to her on many levels. At first, she only thought of him when she was having sex with her husband. It helped move things along. Sometimes, she would close her eyes and picture him there lying on the bed. It was her making him climax – because, he was a cop and used to being in total control of every situation. Or maybe, she would massage herself, while on top, and envision his mouth being there instead. Lately, it was lying in bed getting ready for sleep. She would close her eyes to start the fantasy that would ultimately keep her up all night with tension throughout her body. Why did she want him so badly? She was married. He was married. Sure, but both of them were unhappy. Both were in a situation that was easier to look at than to live in. But she couldn’t stay away. What was his excuse, she thought?

As their lives are often overlapping with social functions, they both were invited to an event. No one thought anything if they rode together. That was acceptable to both spouses and mutual friends, because they themselves were friends. She spent all day getting ready for this outing. You would think she was going on a date. When he got there, she could barely breath. The anticipation of spending some time with him away from everyone else was overbearing. After the event, she asked if he wanted to go out for some drinks before she had to be home. Knowing that they did not truly want to be seen by others, they went to an out-of-the way bar.

He ordered a beer and she had her usual, hard lemonade. They talked about all types of things with flirtation flying heavily through the air. They talked about fantasies. He asked what hers were about and although she was really nervous about it, she spilled it. She would love to have a lover take control of the situation – be the authority figure. Maybe his j... Læs hele novellen

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14/12 2023

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Er her kun for at læse. Måske 😉 Men er du petit og sulten så kan du fange min interesse 🍆

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Jeg er en hotwife på 22 år, som kan lide at skrive noveller. Jeg vil gerne inspireres af en moden Bull til min nye novelle. Skriv til mig....

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