Wife away hubby will play

Wife away hubby will play

The Internet makes it easy to find someone else if you are not getting what you need at home. Not sure if I should call this cheating or erotic stories: This is based on a true experience about 5 years ago. My wife every year would go to Sanibel Island for a week and leave me home because my job wouldn’t let me have the time off. We had been married a couple of years and live in her home with her sons. I never felt comfortable here without her present.

I had gotten a new computer and for the first time is was going into chat rooms. I preferred adult chat. I was afraid if I found someone that was claiming they were older and underage, I would get into legal trouble and I didn’t want that.

I never mislead the ladies I would post my picture and correct description of myself. I would also tell any woman that I would cyber with that I was married. I would prefer to chat what married woman. Felling they had as much to lose as I did.

My preferred chat window was Excite with the window where you could show a picture of yourself or what you hoped you looked like. There were many of evening I spent chat to wee hours in the morning with the ladies getting myself, and the ladies all turned on.

There was one lady I got to know from Kentucky, from the hometown I went to college one year back in 1968. We will call her Sally, not her real name, we spent many an evening explaining what we would do to each other and living out our fantasies over the computer. The longer we talked to each other the more the interest grew between us. I found out she had a very submissive side and wanted to be dominated in most ways.

Then came the summer when my wife went away again for the week. I took that weekend to drive the hundred and forty miles down Kentucky from my home in Columbus Ohio to meet her. I was not sure which way our friendship was going to go but I came prepared to experiment in all ways if the situation developed.

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