Forget harper valley pta

Forget harper valley pta

I’m still in shock – major league, brain-cell frying disorientation type shock! Fact is, I have now a whole new slant on the education system or at least, the HOME-education system. Problem is, I now have to make one gynormous decision…….

It would doubtless come as no surprise to all but the voluntarily cloistered few, that at some stage or other, the average father looks at his daughter or daughters and thinks…“yummy!” Many, I am sure (and you can count me in here!) reflect BEYOND the “yummy” stage to the “what if?” stage or if, like mine they are just too cute for their own good – the “gotta get hold of some Rohypnol” stage! Given the facts as laid out for you in an earlier tale IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR, the Rohypnol proved to be unnecessary (not that I WOULD ever have stooped so low you understand!)

A week or so ago, the co-ed High School my daughters attend, held one of their regular parent/teacher nights. You front-up to a regular procession of Math, History, English and Science lecturers who not that long ago would never have made it past the first interview for a teaching position. They drone on about the importance of assessments, percentile bands, re-vamped syllabuses and vocational guidance, while you sit there thinking “What a fucking idiot!” Once in a while I have broken up the drudgery by asking them if they know what a pteranadon or an archaeopterix is - never yet found one who did…science professors included!

But I digress. Between appointments for specific teachers I found myself chatting to other parents while Jenna was talking to her girlfriends. One such conversation began after a father about my own age had been watching Jenna for a while and then said to me “You have a very pretty daughter you know.” Deciding not to punch him out then and there, I was on the verge of saying “Yeah, and I wouldn’t mind fucking your’s either,” when I realised he may not have HAD one. So I just said “Uh-huh, thanks….. yep, she is a little sweethear... Læs hele novellen

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