

My first time with another woman. I was at a party after a concert and we all ended up back at the hotel. Well, after going to work that morning, class that afternoon, the concert that evening, and the afterparty that night, I fell asleep on the couch in the suite. I wake up to ESPN basketball highlights. Being involved in the music business it was no big thing to hang out with R&B artist or rappers. Anyway, I looked over to the side and there she was, the girl I had been checking out for awhile. Like a backflash I remembered her on stage earlier that night when she winked at me. But I snapped myself back into reality and asked what time it was. She said "8:24." I was like damn, I spent the night in the same suite as her and I slept on the couch!!!!! She asked me if I wanted some breakfast and I was cool with it, so she ordered and they said about 35 minutes and it would be up. So I was watching tv and she comes and sits right next to me, puts her hand on my knee. I just looked at her. She said "Do you want me to move it?" of course I said no, but then I couldnt take my eyes off of her. So as I sat there and looked at her she turned around and was looking at me, so I went for it! I leaned into her and kissed her, the kiises became more intense and I slid my hand up her shirt to find her nipples hard as rocks! I started kissing on her neck and she had a handful of hair on the back of my head guiding me where she wanted me to kiss. I finally got her shirt off and she straddled me guiding my lips to her nipple. As soon as I licked it she let out a small moan. I was sucking on one and playing with the other and I noticed that she was humping me, like a full fledged lap dance! So I let one of my hands slide down and she raised up just enough for me to manuever my fingers right into her wet pussy. She was riding my hand furiously! I had a free knuckle and I pressed it against her clit and she went wild! She asked me how horny I was and all I could do was smile. She got up... Læs hele novellen

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Miss Pat 4 you, 23

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