Dark corners

Dark corners

Walking into the bar was easy, even though the bouncer had to card her before letting her in. Sitting down and ordering was not.

The moment she entered the bar, eyes from the dark environs of the room became glued to her. It wasn’t because she was pretty, even though she was obviously that, but there was an underlying innocence and youthness about her. She looked so out of place in the out-of-the-way bar as a lily white winter flower in the middle of the desert. Although she was dressed provocatively in a tight white shirt and very tight black jeans, there was something about her that shouted, VIRGIN!

"Oh why, why why can’t I turn down a dare?" she murmured under her breath as she looked around for a seat. The place embodied dank, smoky bar. Lots of dark corners, people muttering under their breaths and waitresses with too short skirts, complete with a forbidding-looking bartender.

Sarah does not usually go to bars. She was raised by a middle-class Catholic parents and has always stayed up till curfew and then dutifully go to sleep at the appointed time. Although some of her friends have invited her to go disco-dancing or at least just go to some late parties thrown by one friend or another, she has always refrained from imbibing too much and letting go.

She tried to remember why she was there. The night started out as just another one of her and her girlfriends’ little get-togethers. Lots of food, a little bit of drinking and gossiping. It was part of their monthly ritual. Things were getting boring so one of them started a truth or dare game. At first, it was just mild stuff but as the alcohol started flowing, the questions and dares have become bolder and bolder to the point where Tina, her most outrageous friend dared her to go to the Liliana Bar at the wrong part of town. Nobody really expected her to accept the dare but some little imp inside her pushed her and now she was here, in this smelly bar, dressed in tight clothes with no underwear. ... Læs hele novellen

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