Double pleasure

Double pleasure

"Ill try a 30 point question," Heather said.

Jake drew a card from the thirty point stack.

"What option do you want?" he asked.

She pondered for a moment. "Ill take touch".

"Ok, lie in the bathtub and let your partner pee on you."

She made a face of disgust. "Ew! For thirty points! I dont think so!"

Jake laughed with glee, "Then you lose thirty points! Hand it over."

They were playing "Consenting Adults," a card game bought for Heather as a Birthday gift. The rules were simple: There were stacks of cards ranging from ten to eighty points. Each card had several options to choose from; Tell, Touch, Kiss or a combination of the three. The player would choose a point value and select an option. In order to achieve the points, the person had to either perform the act or in some cases let the act be performed on them. If they refused the points went to the partner. Of course the more points, the more daring the act.

"Ill take tell for 40 points," Jake stated.

Heather picked up a card. "Describe a sexual fantasy that you have never told your partner about."

He thought for a moment. "I dont know," he said, "Probably a threesome with two hot girls." Jake smiled slyly.

She playfully smacked him on the shoulder, "Oh really?" She pouted, "You mean Im not good enough?"

He put his arms around her and squeezed her tight. "Of course you are baby. I love you and you are the most gorgeous girl I know." He kissed her gently. "Besides, thats why its a fantasy, it will never happen anyway."

The phone rang and Heather excused herself to answer it.

"Hello?" Her face brightened a little. "Oh. Hi! I havent heard from you in a while." She paused for a moment while the other person spoke. "Sure you can visit this weekend while Mom and Dad are away, Id love to see you!" She chatted for a few more minutes, said her good byes and hang up.

"Who was that?" Jake asked.

"It was my younger sister, Brittany. Shes coming to visit this weekend. Shell be ... Læs hele novellen

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