Dr Nooo! (abduction-bondage-sex slave)

Dr Nooo! (abduction-bondage-sex slave)

Character based on the leggy teen movie star of heartbreakers and ‘I know what you did last summer’Lost in the storm, drugged, then bound in a second skin of rubber she has to endure a maniacs sexual experiments. But is he Dr Nooo? Or is there someone far worse wanting to get at her fabulous lithe body?

Introduction : Jennifer is very hot and now shes very wet. She should have stayed in the rain

Her Buick had been threatening to cut out for the last five miles, and finally it had given up. Jennifer peered through the rain drenched windscreen as she steered the silent vehicle to a stand still at the side of the forest road. Shed come all this way out for a college party and now her pride and joy, her little car had let her down.

She gave a frustrated grunt holding her hands up in disbelief.

The windscreen wipers still screeched to and fro and she could just make out a window light not far into the trees. It was late evening and shed seen too few cars to think one would be coming along very soon. So she decided to make a dash for it.

The light was deceptively distant and by the time Jennifer had reached the front door of the white building she looked like a drowned rat. I say building because she didnt think it was a house, it was too big. It looked more like a county hospital or government building; white walls, flat roof, non-descript windows and doors.

She gave a flurry of loud knocks, the rain soaking her to the skin.

There was someone taking their time to walk down a long corridor on the other side. Jenny shouted for them to hurry.

"Please Im freezing out here."

The man fumbled with some keys then opened the door.

"Oh thank heavens, Im soaked!"

The tall man was understandably surprised; he had so few visitors, certainly never so late at night.

In front of him was a beautiful young woman. She had long straight brunette hair made jet black and shinny by the rain soaking. Her narrow face was pale from the cold, ruby red lip... Læs hele novellen

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Sweet Alina, 27

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