

Fred had only heard about the "dungeon" through the grapevine, the talk being that boy toys were there to take care of all your sexual. desires. Well tonight he was going to find out because he had been invited to attend a party at the underground gay sex parlor by a friend of a friend. He was supposed to meet Pete at a down town bar after work and go from there. At 6:30pm Pete strolled into O Fallons and told Fred that they might as well grab a bite to eat because the "dungeon" didnt really get going until 10:00pm. Dinner consisted of getting acquainted and the usual small talk new friends go through when getting to know one another, but there was a definite undercurrent of excitement as the clock crept towards ten.

The "dungeon" was located in a run down warehouse district over by the river, and except for the unusual number of cars, you would never know that a night club was anywhere to be seen. The entrance was in an alley in back of an old meat packing plant that led down a steep flight of stairs. At the inside door were two of the biggest bouncers Fred had ever seen, but Pete flashed what appeared to be a laminated pass of some kind and they were allowed to enter a dimly lit room. As Freds eyes became adjusted to the light, he was stunned at what he saw!!! Over half the people were entirely naked, while much of the other half were in various stages of undress.

At least 90% of the patrons were male with a goodly number being under twenty five. All the waiters were nude with the exception of leather studded collars around their necks, an as he gazed around the room Fred saw many of the men with hardons as they danced and played with each other while on stage at the far end of the hall a five piece rock band played a mixture of heavy metal and hard rock. After a few minutes Pete suggested they go rent one of the lockers and get rid of their clothes. Within minutes they were wandering through the crowd with bodies rubbing and touching, especially their c... Læs hele novellen

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