Edie and the llves

Edie and the llves

Edie was leaving the mall after a day spent shopping. The 57" buxom blond felt the cold air rush up her skirt as she left the building, her arms were full of Christmas gifts. The wind was strong and a hint of snow was in the air. As her shapely leg stepped off the curb, her heel caught in a crack and she tumbled to the ground, her shopping bags broke upon impact and her gifts scattered. The 36 year old woman was flat on her face and the rigid surface of the street was freezing.

Cars stopped, fellow shoppers stared, and some even laughed at her plight. Gratefully, Edie felt tiny hands helping her get up. She watched two elves gather her presents while the other elf held her steady. She recognized them from the department store and thought how cute they looked as Santas helpers. Edie attempted to walk but her legs were wobbly and she felt dizzy. The elf that was holding her by the waist asked, "Are you OK lady? Your nose is bleeding, do you want to go the hospital?"

"No, thank you, I just want to go home, I will be alright."

He noticed her disorientation and stated, "We cant let you drive like this; let us take you home and make sure you recover."

"I...I dont want to leave my car here."

"No problem, my friends will follow and I will drive you home in your car." Edie smiled and agreed, she felt safe with Santas elves. She was assisted into her big Lincoln and felt strange sitting in the passenger seat. The elves put her bags in her car trunk and her little friend brought a pillow from their car and sat on it as he started the Lincoln and asked for directions to her home.

He handed Edie his handkerchief to hold to her bleeding nose. He informed her that his name was Hank and she told him her name. Hank was having a hard time keeping his eyes on the road. He felt his cock stiffen as he soaked in her beauty. Her head was back, she was trying to stop the nose bleed, her legs were spread, and her skirt was hiked up exposing her creamy thighs.

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