Ericas first time

Ericas first time

The party was in a relatively small house on the south side of the city. This particular suburb was not quite as affluent as the one she lived in, but Erica could care less. Another week of school was past; another weekend of loneliness had begun.

Her high school sweetheart was close to three years older and had joined the Navy right out of high school. His duties allowed him to visit her only twice a year for a week, so Erica was often in need of something she couldn’t have.

Don’t get me wrong, Kevin was a great guy. He was fit, handsome, intelligent, and a wonderful lover. Not to mention he was her first and only thus far. This only made it harder on her, even with their ‘arrangement.’

Kevin had told her that he wanted her to have fun. He suggested that she should ‘try’ other guys. She was very surprised to learn that he wanted to share her with another man.

This sort of stuff did not make Erica feel better. They spoke often on the phone, when he could, and wrote regularly to each other. Neither one of them had yet taken advantage of the arrangement. Erica didn’t want to…mostly.

She turned heads wherever she went, provided she dressed for it. Hell, sometimes guys went after her when she didn’t. Erica’s look seemed to say, ’I’m beautiful, want to sit with me?’

So, despite being at a party and surrounded by many guys and girls who may have been interested, Erica remained alone. She sat quietly on an easy chair in a corner, sipping a beer. Occasionally she had to fend off some drunk, but mostly people left her alone.

Erica felt so alone and so horny. It had been five months, three weeks, two days, and…let me see…..thirteen hours since she had her last orgasm. As she finished calculating this figure, Erica found she was not alone.

He was handsome standing there, in a wolf in grandma’s clothing kind of way. His black hair slicked back with gel, his blue jeans a bit ratty looking, and his ... Læs hele novellen

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Pattiyarat, 27

Happy to be here. Happy to read. Happy to meet. Happy to greet.

Magnificent Beast
Magnificent Beast, 38

Jeg er ny i alt det her novelle skrivning - lurer bare rundt

Mia, 41

søger stor moden pik til skønne sexlege Skriv om dine fantasier og kinks. Jeg har en masse gode forslag. Nogen af dem vil måske give dig rejsning!!! Billeder er meget velkomne, især de skrappe! K...

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