Fantasy becomes reality!

Fantasy becomes reality!

I have been a nudist for as long as I can remember, but have only in the last four years, developed the daringness to be voyeuristic with it. I believe it was my fantasy of being gangbanged that triggered my becoming voyeuristic with my nudism, I guess, hoping to somehow find myself in compromising situations. For almost four years now, I have romped around campgrounds, public parks and even walked along busy highways, with nothing on but my flipflops, hoping to attract sexstarved maniacs, but only managed to get arrested numerous times for public indecency.

Undeterred, I continued my voyeuristic ways, which now included biking naked on heavily populated bike trails and darting across busy golf courses in broad daylight, succeeding only in having cops swarm in, searching for a man running aroud naked. I barely(pardon the pun) managed to get away this time, but it was too close for comfort. Deciding to cool it for a while, I resorted to being content with just romping around the golf course after dark, just enjoying the freedom and the cool breeze on my nakedness. So there I was, romping around the golf course at 10:00pm, casually picking up golf balls that I would accidentally step on, when I notice someone walking not more than 100 feet away.

Not wanting to be seen at this point, I ducked until the person passed. Convinced that I wasnt seen, I continued with my romp. A few minutes later, I notice another golf ball, so I stoop to pick it up, when suddenly, I hear voices coming toward me. I look around and notice a group of people closing in on me. I try to run, but my flipflops dont allow me to move too fast, and before I could get very far, I was surrounded. Realizing I was caught with my pants down, I anticipated the cops to be swarming in any minute. By their voices, I could tell these were young men of college age. I can hear them discussing what to do with me, when finally one of them spoke to me. Well, he said, we have a problem here. Do we kick yo... Læs hele novellen

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