Five girls allowed

Five girls allowed

It was Sarah that first caught my attention in the club. Not difficult considering she was strikingly blonde, had the brightest blue eyes imaginable and was wearing a black dress that showed more skin than fabric (it was low cut, bare at the midriff and back and the skirt was like a belt around her waist- all held together by just a couple of elegant black straps). She stood out on the crowded dance floor and I guess I wasnt the only guy watching her moving like a trained dancer, erotically amongst the throng. It only took a few moments of watching to realise she was dancing with another girl, almost equally as gorgeous. This other girl, who I later found out, was called Nadine, she was slightly shorter than Sarahs impressive 57" but had the most amazing legs. Honestly, they were breathtaking, equally tanned and toned and stretching up to the hem of her bright yellow mini dress. She looked a couple of years younger and had her honey coloured long hair, sexily piled atop her head. Watching the two of them groove was too much for me and I placed my bottle of beer down and moved onto the dance floor with rude intentions in mind.

The two girls were so into the music that they seemed at one with it and barely noticed as I slid up next to them and surreptitiously began to catch their eye and dance alongside with them. Without being immodest I am a good looking bloke and a bloody good dancer and they allowed me to dance with them with the flash of their perfect, white teeth. At this closer range I was able to better appraise the two of them and upgrade them from gorgeous young ladies to absolute, 24 carat gold, fucking stunners! I wont describe our dancing other than to say it would probably be deemed illegal in many countries and it was all too quick that we headed back to the girls table. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they had a table set aside for them in the VIP area and as I took a seat between the giggling beauties on the luxurious sofa I was delighted to find another... Læs hele novellen

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30 år
13/12 2023

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arve58, 58

Hei eg er en mann som ikkje har hatt sex på over 13 år no eg er steril eg søker etter en dominant dame som er dominant og streng drømmer ofte om å være slave ...

ขุนแผน, 47

i'm happy man. party drink like sexy sex and slim body

Dan, 41

Jeg hedder Dan. Jeg er 41 år. Jeg er bygnings maler. Elsker sexnoveller og den fantasi der kan følge med😇 ...

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