Group sex in the shop

Group sex in the shop

My plan was working out great. I was going to fuck an entire classroom full of guys - and the teacher too!

My parents moved to this mid-sized town in Ohio at the beginning of my freshman year in high school and put me in this small private school. I had become very rebellious since then. I couldn’t believe they moved me from all my friends in Cincinnati to be here! I started sleeping with anyone I could – boys AND girls.

Today, I am mid-way through my junior year, and I just turned 17. I decided that the only thing I hadn’t done sexually was have more than one guy at a time, so it was time to put my plan into motion.

I was kind of a tom-boy, and took an interest in anything the guys did. I had shop class last period of the day. I was the only girl in the class. The door was one of those really heavy doors and it only had a small window near the top and it was a two-way mirror. When you were in the hall, all you could see was your reflection, but you could see the hall from the classroom.

All eyes were on me when I walked in that day. All the guys in the school wanted me, teachers included. I brushed my light brown hair over my shoulder and played with the slight curl at the end. I walked passed the first table and winked at the two boys sitting there. One of them licked his top lip and winked back.

I strolled to my seat, making sure the skirt to my uniform was hanging over the back of my stool. I always wear thong panties so the stool was a little cold on my butt. I let out a little yelp.

“Is there a problem Erica,” Mr. Winters asked me.

I smiled provocatively at him and replied, “No problem, sir. Nothing a little friction can’t help.” All the boys started to chuckle and mumble under their breath. I saw Mr. Winters’ pants stir and he went behind his desk.

Mr. Winters cleared his throat. “Okay class,” he said as the bell rang. “Let’s get started by reviewing last week’s lecture. Who wants to give a summary?” I raised my hand. “Good, Eric... Læs hele novellen

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