Hot jacuzzi fun

Hot jacuzzi fun

I awaken before you and manage to slip from under your strong arms. I decide to start our bath. The bathroom has a wonderfully large Jacuzzi tub just waiting to be filled. I pull out some of the oils I brought with me and decide which one to use. Knowing that you are ALL man and that you would like whichever I decided to use, I chose the Lavender & Vanilla. As the tub was filling I heard you stir a bit. I went to the door and stood there for a minute, taking in your handsomeness and the reality that we just spent the first of what I hope turns into many rendezvous.

As I stand there taking you in I begin to feel a tingle in my love box. The wetness is almost instant because the thought of having you in me again just drives me crazy. I walk over to the bed, you are still asleep. I slowly start kissing and teasingly licking your nipples. You moan. I then work my way down slowly, one inch at a time. As I reach your belly button you stir a bit more. I notice that even in your state of grogginess your magnificent cock is getting hard. I then take my tongue and run it around the tip, tasting all the previous adventures.

OOOOOH what a wonderful thought it was to reflect on. I then take your entire love sword into my mouth and suck you to life. Almost instantly you awoke. "OH baby!!" you moan. What a way to wake up. Since you are now fully awake I get up and saunter over to the door. I turn and give you that Come hither and play look. I dont think I have blink and you are at my side. The tub is about full and is ready for us to jump in.

Taking a deep breath you notice that the air is filled with a wonderful smell. "Lavender & Vanilla" I hope you dont mind I say. You just give me That smile.

"Ladies first" you say.

I slowly lower into the tub, "I guess I made it a bit hot". No doubt that we will be hotter than our water in no time I think to myself. You follow behind me agreeing that the water is a bit hot but our bodies quickly adjust to the heat.

When yo... Læs hele novellen

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