Laura and Davey (1)

Laura and Davey (1)

I was a bit annoyed when Laura came to live with us. She was the daughter of my mother"..s oldest friend.

The mother had been divorced for years and had no close family left when whe became seriously ill. She gratefully accepted my mother"..s offer to take Laura in. I was not grateful at all!

At age fourteen my own sexuality was starting to emerge, and Laura at age fifteen was barely ahead of me. Her little breasts were not more than small swellings topped with conical areolas and tiny nipples. I caught a view of these through a partialy closed door.

Her hips had just begun to develop the feminine flare. Her best asset was her pretty face. Laura spoke softly and allowed my cruel comments and unwarranted slanders to pass without comment or retaliation. I began to feel guilty about my conduct, and my guilt made me more angry.

..Damn, you silly girl, what good are you?".. I said one morning."

..Perhaps, I am no good at all,".. she replied. A big tear slid down her cheek.
"..What a cry baby!".. I exclaimed. Laura said nothing, but not another tear appeared on her pretty face. I felt terrible inside. I stood there looking at her. Then I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder. "..I am so sorry. I guess that I am just a jerk."..

"..No, you" not,".. she said. "..You only resent my being here. You had the place to yourself.. now you need to share."..

That word hung in my head. I did not want to share, and I had collected all the toys and games into my room until my mother made me stop. I had not wanted Laura to touch anything.

"..Listen,".. I said, "..Come with me into my room and you can pick out anything you want an put it in your room. OK?"..

"..All right,".. she replied. She followed me to my room. Strangely, as we sorted through everything, she only took things that I really didn"..t want anyway: stuffed animals, games that I never played, unused boxes of crayons. I kept offering some of my treasures, but she took none of ... Læs hele novellen

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