Mall drama

Mall drama

My friend Cindy and I had spent the entire morning shopping at the local mall browsing through the stores. We had ate lunch and were an hour into another marathon session of checking out all the sales. We had taken a pee break after we had finished lunch but I felt my bladder full again. “I gotta go to the bathroom!” I said to Cindy. “Already?” Cindy replied. “Yeah!” I replied. “I don’t even have to go yet.” She replied. “Well, I have to go no matter what!” I answered, “Are you coming?” “No!” replied Cindy, “I’ll go and wait for you in this store.” “Ok, I’ll be back in a minute!” I answered.

I headed to the washroom and Cindy entered the store we had been standing in front of. I walked past the masses of people streaming by me on a Saturday afternoon out for leisurely afternoon at the mall. I arrived at the washroom and pushed the door open. I walked into the bathroom and walked through the privacy hall. I turned the corner and the bathroom stalls appeared. The washroom seemed to be pretty empty for being a women’s washroom with no one standing in line, washing their hands at the counter or even the sound of urine trickling into the toilets.

Happy to see no line up I hurried to one of the bathroom stalls and pushed open the door. I took a look down at the toilet seat to see if it was clean. The seat looked to be clean and the water inside the toilet also looked clean. So I turned and shut the stall door behind me. Like always I grabbed several pieces of toilet paper and carefully spread them out a crossed the entire surface of the black toilet seat. I lowered my tight fitting jeans and my lacey yellow underwear and began my business on the toilet seat; making sure not even an inch of my body touched the toilet seat, all the while holding my purse in my hand not wanting to get it dirty on the floor.

With my bladder seeming satisfied with being emptied, I stood up and pulled up my pants. I turned and bent over flushing the toilet. I... Læs hele novellen

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