Miss turner & lilith

Miss turner & lilith

This is a story of a girl named Lilith and her sex crazed and submissive teach Miss Turner having a lesbian sex fling please email me with comments at [email protected] enjoy =)

*Lilith* Miss Turner you know you are a very stunning women rubs her thigh gently

*has her thigh rubbed gently looking at her taking her hand away from her thigh* why thank you miss but you know better then that lilith teacher student relationships arent tolerated

* smiles and goes back to rubbing* it is tolerated if it is not found out miss turner

*shivers abit taking her hand away again* this is dention not seduce your teacher

lay down miss turner and let me teach you something for a change * rubs her thigh higher*

*has her thigh rubbed again shivering as she climbs up onto her desk letting her desk drawer open full of naughty toys*

miss turner you are a very naughty girl * looks at all the toys and picks a pink jelly anal plug and turns her onto her stomach and pulls out the lube and rubs it over her teachers small puckered asshole*

*shakes her head remembering the fantasies she has had about lilith while laying on her stomach feeling the lube go over her asshole getting wet*

miss turner you are getting very wet from this you naughty teacher * slides a quarter of the anal plug in her teachers asshole slowly*

lilith *she moans quietly as the plug slides into her slowly* i have always dreamed of you sitting there

good * inserts it 3/4ths of the way in and slowly moves it back and forth smiling*

*moans loudly feeling it go in 3/4ths of the way abit of her cum dripping onto the desk*

tisk tisk miss turner you made a mess youll have to lick it clean as soon as im done * keeps sliding it back and forth finally letting the knob rest against her dirty craving teachers asscheeks it buried fully in her ass*

*moans loudly finally feeling it go in all the way* im sorry lillith

its ok miss turner now shhhh * grabs a 10 inch dildo/vibra... Læs hele novellen

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