My ttory: a trip to the lake house

My ttory: a trip to the lake house

This is another is the saga of Tim’s sexual awakening. Tim, my character is, like all of the characters and all of the events is purely a figment of my imagination. Tim is 14 and he is accompanying his friends Jason, and Shelley and their mother, Patty, to their lake house for the weekend.

Saturday morning arrived early. We were to meet at Shelley and Jason’s house to leave by 8am. There were 6 of us going for a 3 day weekend. There were my best friend Jason and his extremely sexy sister, Shelley, their mother Patty and cousin Mary as well as my mother, Nancy and me. My name is Tim. I rushed my mother to arrive a little early I have something important to talk with Jason about before we left. Fortunately Mom did not press me to find out what that was. We arrived about 7:30. Patty was still packing and Mary was not there yet. I kissed Shelley and her mother and then told Jason I needed to show him something in his room. Jason looked at me a little strange, but led the way.

Once in Jason’s room I closed the door and said you have to see this, you are not going to believe what I learned to do. Jason, just shrugged and said what is that. I said just watch. I loosened my belt; dropped my shorts around my ankles; and lay down on my back on Jason’s bed. I slowly raised my legs up over my head until my toes were touching the bed behind my head. That done, I reached up and placed my cock in my mouth and began sucking. I became instantly hard. I sucked my cock that way for a just a few seconds and then stopped and got up. Jason just looked at me in amazement and said how in the world did you learn to do that and can you cum in your own mouth. What does it feel like? I just chuckled and waited until he finished his string of questions. I said that I got the idea from my dog. Several times in recent weeks I had allowed my dog to lick my cock and it felt really good when I came with him licking me. I noticed a couple of nights ago that as soo... Læs hele novellen

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