Our first dance

Our first dance

Steve sighed slightly as he looked into those eyes, in them he was able to see his own reflection, and he was surprised at just how things had turned out. If anyone had told him that he would be sitting there, in the Alpha Tao Omega house, dancing, in a blonde wig, and a low cut evening gown, he would have said that they were crazy.

It had started out innocently enough all right, there was the Friday night pool game with the guys, tossing back a few brew ski’s, and then letting the alcohol affect his judgment ever so much that he managed to convince them that he would look better in a dress than Samantha Hathaway did.

Sam, just happened to be the captain of the Cheerleading squad, and the girlfriend of the head of Omega.

Though the leader was a good sport about it, he easily convinced Steve that she should either apologize to his girl, or be prepared to take the consequences.

Steve being a hot-headed one didn’t want to do anything of the sort, but was convinced that he should at least make-up for it in some manor.

Steve – after being placed in a headlock, reluctantly agreed.

‘Whatever shall we have dear, old Steve do boys?” The leader asked them, the other chums of the Omega house were already soused from so many beers as it was, and St3eve didn’t think that he would be able to take all of them on.

“Got it!” Tony Lombardo belched slightly as he staggered around. “I think that we should have Steve go as a girl to the Mardi-gras ball on Friday night. What’dya think about that, Leader one?”

The leader, who happened to be named Tom, seemed to think that it was a very good idea. “Then it’s all settled, Steven. At approximately seven PM, you will get dressed in a dress of some sort, and all of the other accoutrements, and head out on the town with the rest of the college. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

Steve started to nod “no” but as Tom approached him with a sense of malice in his eyes, Steve thought it best not to argue. “S-sounds great.” He smil... Læs hele novellen

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