

In a short while I had learned a lot at my Masters hands, and learnt rather quickly of his dislikes and what was not acceptable. I had also learnt of the side of him that few saw. The caring man who has a heart as big as the man himself. When this journey began I had asked for firmness and to be honest I wasnt sure he could be the dominate person. He has one of the warmest natures about him I have ever seen. But then of course, he also can be calm, and still make it perfectly clear that enough is enough. His exact words were, understanding . . . but firm, caring . . . but firm, and he was all of those.

Due to my mouth and attitude, I had suffered many punishments and humiliations in the process of becoming the submissive Master had desired but most of which I had brought on myself. This early fall morning, I snuggled beneath the warm covers and cuddled to my pillow, a brisk wind rang the chimes outside the bedroom window, singing me a lullaby. The rustle of leaves could be heard mixing with the chimes sweet soft sounds.

Now I know that a slave is at the Masters beckon call anytime day or night, still I was resting so peaceful when Master reached over and gently pinched my nipple that it shocked me. Unaware of what I was doing I smacked his hand aside. This in itself was reason enough to have gained me a firm spanking. Yet, Master only pinched again a little harder this time. I opened my eyes to find two dark deep brown eyes staring back and a grin on his face.

"Good morning my sweet!"

"Oh no Master, it’s not time to get up already is it?" I moaned and stretched kicking back the covers and letting my nude body feel the coolness of the morning. Grabbing my covers, I slung them back over me.

"Ahhhhhhh, its cold!" I said as I snuggled closer to Master and buried my head in his chest as he wrapped two big arms around me. There I lay till I fell back to sleep. The next sound was that of a chair being slid across the floor and the smell of fresh brewed c... Læs hele novellen

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