

"What a joke," Dean yelled derisively at the screen, "if he was trying hed kick her fucking ass!!!" "Oh really, Mr. Smarty Pants," Shelby snapped, "Ill bet she could whip your wimpy ass any day of the week!!!" "Give me a break, Shel," he replied while rolling his eyes, "I dont care how bulked up she is, no female wrestling freak could beat me up!!!" Shelby and Dean had been going together for about six months now, and while she was a workoutaholic, he was much more the couch potato of the two, so watching pro wrestling on television was about as much exercise as he normally got, but he was convinced that he could whip any woman in a wrestling match and nothing Shelby said could change his mind!!!

While Shelby normally didnt let much get under her skin, Deans constant needling her about the lack of prowess of the female of the species was starting to nag at her, and in a fit of anger she spat, "Ill bet I could pin your butt, big mouth, the heaviest thing you can curl is a can of beer!!!" "Youre serious, arent you," he replied incredulously!?! "Damn right I am," she shot back quickly, "are you afraid of me!?!" "You gotta be kidding," he said with a laugh, "Shel, you wouldnt have a prayer!!!" "You are afraid, arent you," she replied, "I can tell, your a fraidy cat!?!" "Let it go, Shel," he said irritably, "Im not in the mood!!!" "Dean is a fraidy cat, Dean is a fraidy cat," she sang derisively!!! "Ya know," he said evenly, "youre askin for it, babe!!!" "Ohhhhhhh noooooooo," she replied in a mocking tone, "Im soooooooooooo scared, please kind sir, dont hurt little ole me, Im just a woman!!!" "You really want some of this," he asked while flexing his bicep muscle to impress her!?! She was about to make another wise crack at him, but seeing him flexing his pitiful arm muscle made her burst out with a laugh that left now doubt what she thought of him!!! "Okay, baby," he snapped while hopping out of his easy chair, "thats it, lets get it on!!!"

Both protagonists help... Læs hele novellen

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