Private practice

Private practice

“Good morning, honey,” said Judy after her husband, Fred, accidentally woke her up as he was getting dressed.

His designer suit was almost completely on except for his tie and shoes. He didn’t speak at first because it was early and it took a few seconds for his brain to process what his wife had said.

He sat in the chair opposite the bed and started putting his shoes on. “Sleeping in today?” he asked. It was going on eight o’clock and Judy was still in bed, which was highly unusual for her.

“Yes,” she replied, “I was up all night reading.”

She had an hourglass figure with long, dark hair, large tits, and puppy dog eyes. She was totally naked turned on her side almost in a fetal position with her arms covering her upper body. She rolled over and saw that Fred was wearing an Amani tie.

“Looks like a court day?” she said, half smiling.

Fred lifted the tie and said, “A tell-tell sign.”

“Come home early; I’ll make you dinner,” she said as she rolled over to go back to sleep.

Fred was one of the best divorce lawyers in the state. He ran a private practice with two secretaries that were busy at work when he walked in the office.

He greeted them and stood at the doorway looking at them as he sipped his coffee. Red was a redhead with big tits who could be really pretty if she’d just tone down on the makeup.

Joanne was thicker than Red, but in a voluptuous way. She had puffy blonde hair and some enormous breasts. She wore fake eyelashes and too much lipstick, but it gave her a sex appeal that was similar to Marilyn Monroe.

They were docile around the boss, but Fred had a feeling that they had a wild side in bed. The problem was that they were both lesbians, but it didn’t stop him from fantasizing.

Almost every morning, he would do the same thing that he was doing right now: sip his coffee as his eyes danced up and down their bodies filming a mental, pornographic movie. He would imagine how they would look in their underwear and how they wo... Læs hele novellen

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