Raine & sheri

Raine & sheri

The phone was ringing when I entered the apartment and for some reason I ignored the miracle of caller ID and picked up the receiver. Id had a trying day and it was reflected in my voice as said hello. I cursed myself internally when I recognized my mothers voice on the other end. She spent the first fifteen minutes of the one-sided "conversation" making me feel guilty for not calling her often enough. I apologized half-heartedly and waited for her to cut to the chase, we were close but she rarely called just to chitchat. I didnt even bother mentioning that the phone worked two ways. If she got that in her head she might call more often and god knows I couldnt dodge her forever. The thing about my mother was that she was always trying to pry into my business, talking to her was like an interrogation. I was reviewing my endless to do list when she got around to the real reason for the call.

"Your sister is going to be in New York for a couple of weeks to lay some tracks for her new album and I thought since you had a spare room..."

I had to use every ounce of will power I possessed not to hang up the phone; my mother knew I could barely stand my sister. It was nothing new we had been at odds since the day Sheridon could talk. She had always been a drama queen but every since she had become a star she was insufferable, had we not been bound by blood I doubt we would have even crossed paths.

I tried to ignore the tension headache that came on at the mere thought of my younger sister, as my mother went on about me having the nice big apartment and there being no reason for Sheridon to stay at a hotel. I had a dozen reasons why she should stay at a hotel or at least away from me but my mother didnt accept one of them. She gave me some bullshit about Sheri being lonely when she was in town. I didnt believe that for a New York minute, Sheri was rarely if ever alone. My mother as usual was relentless and in an instant I went from being a grown woman to being se... Læs hele novellen

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